Nurse Seren, BSN, RN

About Me

Hi there, I am Seren and I will be taking care of you today!

As a pediatric nurse, I have had the amazing experience of working in general pediatrics, pediatric orthopedics and neurology, and pediatric hematology and oncology. My favorite so far has to be peds oncology. I love my oncology kiddos!

HealthyKiddo Goals and Mission

The idea for this website came together when I realized the massive discrepency in my community with access to basic health education. I come from the south, and though I was privileged enough to have access to so much health education, there were some families in my hometown who did not. Now as a nurse in an urban children's hospital in the same city, it is my job to educate these families about their child's health. I have seen many misconceptions when it comes to pediatric health. My mission for HealthyKiddo is to provide an easily accessible nursing-based education to help families make an informed decision regarding their child's care.

My Educational Background

My educational background includes graduating with honors from the University of Central Florida with my bachelors degree in nursing. I then passed my state board (the NCLEX) shortly after and became a licensed, registered nurse. Before I was a nurse, I worked as a student nurse intern in my last semester of nursing school at the hospital I work at now. I spent those few months working on a pediatric critical care unit.

I knew that I wanted to continue my education becuase I have a passion for primary care and health prevention. So I went back to school and am now a doctoral nurse practitioner student at The Johns Hopkins University. Not to brag, but it is ranked the best NP program in the country! I have been so lucky to be a student at JHU. The access to the amount of world-class medical knowledge from research and faculty is something I will never take for granted. My specialty is pediatric primary care and I hope to work in a clinic one day as a pediatric nurse practiitioner, helping to educate families.

My Passions

When I am not working or in school, I am playing my viola. I have been a classical violist for 12 years. I have played in many community orchestras growing up, and music is still a huge passion of mine. I also play the flute, but viola has been my first and main love.

I also run an instagram page that educates the instagram world about pediatric health and what it's like to be a pediatric nurse and grad student. Check it out when you have the chance, some of my reels are pretty funny! It's @Nurse_Seren

My Work

As someone who loves working with the community, I have organized food and toy drives to benefit children's and family's organizations. I have also mentored several pre-nursing and nursing students. It is important to me to give back and I do enjoy inspiring and helping nursing students.

I have also published some research during my time in nursing school. I wrote and defended my own thesis my senior year of college and since its publication in 2021, has reached readers globally. Check out my thesis on using music as a nursing intervention in hospitalized children and babies to reduce stress!

I have published a children's book on port accessing for children with cancer. Here is the link to the Amazon Bookstore to check it out!


